Couple Therapy

Being a happy couple is not an easy task. Partner relationships tend to change over time specifically when partners have to face new challenges and transitions such as parenting or an illness. You may be arguing over same things or barely speak to each other. Your relationship may not be a safe and loving space as it used to be.

Your feelings of intimacy may change or decrease over time as well. You may have stopped having sex with your partner or are not satisfied with it anymore. You may suspect your partner has an addiction or not faithful to you. Your arguments, busy life and routine may have made it harder for you to feel excited about sex.

When is the right time to seek help? Now! Couples tend to build anger and resentment for years before they start looking for help. The longer you wait, the worse problems can become. Your partner may even start thinking about ending a toxic relationship.

Couple therapy can be extremely helpful in identifying negative patterns, improving communication, intimacy and trust. I will work with you and your partner to help you rebuild your connection and overcome differences that may be affecting your relationship.

Common relationship problems people seek my services for:

  • Difficulty transitioning to a parenting relationship
  • Extended family conflicts
  • A sexless marriage
  • Infidelity, trust or betrayal
  • Having the same arguments
  • Feeling alone in your relationship
  • Communication issues